Block Square
Block Square
Block Square

Block Square

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Cryptocurrency exchange

Block Square is a leader in the cryptocurrency exchange industry, providing high-quality services and responsive customer service. Our team of professionals with deep knowledge in the field of cryptocurrencies and finance strives to provide maximum convenience and security for customers.

Address and Contacts

How to find and contact us.

Address and Contacts

How to find and contact us.

Address and Contacts

How to find and contact us.




Anton Purtseladze Street, 18

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Exchange cryptocurrencies at the office.

Funds transfer.

There is a counting machine that verifies the authenticity of banknotes.

We help with buying real estate with cryptocurrency.

We help you buy a car with cryptocurrency.

24/7 online support.




In addition to cryptocurrency exchange, our company specializes in international transfers. We offer fast and reliable solutions for sending and receiving money in more than 10 countries around the world. Our company's security service strives to ensure maximum protection and security of our clients' funds during transactions.

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Quality control

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